We believe that as followers of Jesus Christ, giving from our resources is an important spiritual discipline and an act of worship. Through your faithful giving, we are able to share Christ with our community, nation and world. By investing in the Kingdom of God, more people will place their faith in Jesus. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices and full accountability.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Missy Crimmins at 480-807-5868 or email.
Ways to Give
- Setup an online account to give via electronic check, debit or credit card. This can be setup as a recurring or a one-time gift. Gain online access to your giving history and download your giving statements.
- Simply text the word GIVE to the number 480-418-4347 and follow the second link to enable Text Giving. When giving through text use a keyword and the dollar amount you’d like to give (for example, GENERAL 100). You can find a list of the keywords by texting GIVE to 480-418-4347 and clicking the first link. Save this phone number to your phone to make giving even easier in the future.
- Give in person by simply placing cash or checks in the offering bag during the offering collection at any Sunday service. Please ensure that the information on your check is correct and use the memo section to indicate the fund you would like to give to, e.g., General or Benevolence.
- Mail your donation to Red Mountain Community Church, 6101 E Virginia Street, Mesa, AZ 85215. Please ensure that the information on your check is correct and use use the memo section to indicate the fund to which you would like to give, e.g., General or Benevolence.
Accessing Giving Statement
To retrieve your giving history and annual statement, login to Giving History by entering your username and password.
Giving FAQs
- Is Online Giving Secure? Yes it is. That is why we have partnered with OnlineGiving.cc. They work with churches just like Red Mountain to provide a secure online giving system. We take security very seriously.
- Is My Information Kept Private? Yes. We only request personal information from a user when the user performs a registration or financial transaction online.
- What payment methods can I use to give online? You may give using e-check, debit or credit cards. Please note: Red Mountain pays a small surcharge for each method of giving. An e-check carries the lowest surcharge, while a reward type card carries the highest.
- How will I know that my gift was set up correctly? You will receive a Receipt and Donation Confirmation email providing the details of your gift. Make certain to check your spam/junk mail filter in case it was blocked.
- Can I change or edit an existing gift? You cannot change a gift you have already sent, however, you can easily edit a recurring gift.
Privacy Policy
Red Mountain Community Church (Red Mountain), recognizes that an individual’s privacy is very important to them and that they have a right to control their personal information. Red Mountain acknowledges that when an individual provides personal information about themselves to another party it is an act of trust. In response, Red Mountain takes the process of upholding an individual’s privacy very seriously. Unless an individual gives Red Mountain explicit consent to act otherwise, the following policy will govern how Red Mountain handles an individual’s personal information and safeguards their privacy.
If you would like to make a tax deductible end-of-year gift to Red Mountain, you can do so by clicking the Give Online button above. Other ways you can give are:
- In the Red Mountain app by midnight on Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Tap $.
- By mail (postmarked by midnight on Tuesday, December 31, 2024).
- Drop off contributions to our church office until noon on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
- In person on Sunday, January 29, 2024 and leave in the donation boxes at the rear of the sanctuary.
Giving statements will be available in January, 2025. Thank you for being a part of the incredible work God is doing here!
Red Mountain is committed to honoring God’s provision by exercising wise and faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability to ensure that the financial integrity of Red Mountain remains above reproach. We accomplish this through a system of internal controls and an internal budgeting and reporting process. The Red Mountain Accounting Department is held accountable by internal controls. We also have an external audit annually by an independent CPA firm based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).