What is a Position Paper? Position Papers provide a more in-depth analysis of the biblical reasons for why we do what we do as a church community. Not only do these papers show the biblical basing for our structure as a church, but they also show the way we operate in our daily lives. We recognize that these are debated issues and it is our hope that as you read through our convictions about these issues, you will better understand our heart behind why we do what we do and believe what we believe.
Church Growth
There is a wealth of Biblical data that supports the idea that the church, the body of Christ, grows numerically when it is healthy, and therefore its local branches will do the same.
On Depression
Everyone gets the blues. They’re a normal part of being alive emotionally, maybe even a part of being healthy. Depression is different. It drags on. You feel stuck. You become unmotivated. Things that once lifted your spirits do nothing for you. You feel isolated from God. You withdraw, where you once engaged. In some this withdrawal is quite pronounced, and they would sleep all day if they could.
On Divorce
When members of Red Mountain pursue divorce it breaks the heart of our Lord and it places the Church leadership in a very precarious position. People who experience marital difficulties need our support and they need to be reminded of things like God’s unwavering love for them, and His unconditional forgiveness of sin. At the same time God has spoken with clarity on the subject of marriage and divorce, and we as leaders are called on to teach His counsel to those under our charge. We want to be faithful in both caring for you and in teaching you. We want to support you, but in the right direction.
America has been collectively processing homosexuality in a very public way over the past three decades. There are diverse opinions being expressed on this subject in the political arena and in the religious arena. The tone of this conversation is varied as well, ranging from open hostility and violence to camaraderie and solidarity.
Is Red Mountain Reformed?
The term “Reformed Theology” has different meanings to different people who pose this question. Even among the more official definitions published there is variation. Rather than seeking to plod through all of the various ways of expressing what reformed theology is, we thought it best to simply state the sense in which we would call ourselves part of the “reformed tradition.”
Male Headship in Marriage
Implementing the Bible’s statements on male headship in marriage has proven to be a great challenge to Christian people over the centuries. There is no question that the concept has been warped, distorted and abused to the advantage of males. We know that evil has warped everything within God’s creation and every aspect of His revelation of Himself and truth to humanity. The perversion of the truth, rather than causing the easy pendulum swing reaction, should cause us to carefully study, examine, and test it in order to discern truth from error.
On Marriage
We believe that finding the love of your life is one of the greatest blessings God gives you. We also believe that marriage is God’s provision for making that relationship even better and for sustaining it so that it lasts a lifetime and leads to many other blessings. So an important part of what we do at Red Mountain is to help couples establish strong marriages and then help keep those marriages healthy.
The Millennium
The purpose of this publication is to present a shred of this evidence so as to call all those who care, to examine the matter more closely.
Ministry Style
We believe that ministry is of the best quality when it is decentralized, that is, when it is carried out by the rank and file of the Church.
People have very strong feelings about the type and style of music that they personally like. Factors that influence opinion regarding music preference include age, family upbringing, past worship styles, generational differences, personality, and whether a person is introverted or extroverted.
Pastoral Roles
We believe that the key role of church staff is to equip and mobilize the people for ministry.
Pre-Marital Sex
We know that sexual intercourse can be the most powerfully bonding experience in human relationships. So it stands to reason that sexual expression plays a significant role in a healthy marriage. We also know that past sexual experiences are carried forward and can have a profound impact on a future marriage. All this means that anyone who dreams of having a healthy marriage and a strong family should give very careful thought to their own sexual behavior.
Risky Missions
Risk is inherent in the Christian life. There are places where Christians are in danger just because they are Christians. Christians have always encountered danger in their efforts to spread the gospel. They have faced danger from those that oppose their presence and message and from natural causes such as sickness, injury and natural catastrophe. It is safe to say that the Gospel never would have come to us or to any one else if Christian workers had stayed home when things got risky.
What is the Flesh?
Flesh has to do with the cause of sin and immorality in the lives of Christians. The Bible teaches that the source of our sordid failings is “the flesh.”
Women in Ministry
We believe that women have been equipped by the Holy Spirit not only for meaningful ministry but for roles of leadership in the particular ministries of our Church under the umbrella of the teaching authority of the Elders.