The Word of God has always been central to the people of God.
As the newly-formed nation of Israel was about to cross the Jordan to enter the land Yahweh was giving to them, Moses gave them a command, that at the end of every seven years they were to gather so that someone could read the whole of Scripture over them. The goal was so that everyone, “men, women, and little ones, and the sojourner within [their] towns [would] hear and learn to fear the Lord [their] God, and be careful to do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 31:12). At Red Mountain, we began to dream: what would that be like for us to establish that rhythm in our community? What might Yahweh do in and through us if we, as a community, read the whole of God’s Word together?
We believe that God’s Word informs and instructs our actions and heart posture towards God, ourselves and others. Our world is tumultuous and increasingly distancing itself from God. God’s Word is the only thing that remains constant. By knowing what His Word says, we can hold onto hope and truth in the midst of chaos and encourage others to new life in Him.
Learn more about all the exciting events happening this Christmas season and download digital invitations to invite your friends to all the festivities!
Walk through a series of visual displays depicting the events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion.
Let’s gather together to mark the profound and powerful day of Christs’ sacrificial death on the cross.
Jesus is risen! Come celebrate this miracle with us on Easter morning during our 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM services.
Children’s programming is available during the 9:00 AM (birth-6th grade) and 10:30 AM (birth-4th grade) services. Student Ministry (grades 7-12) will not meet on Easter morning, so students can attend service in the Life Center with their family.
NOTE: There is no children’s programming during the 7:30 AM service.
We live in a time where the chasm between Biblical values and cultural values is increasing.
More than ever, darkness reigns in the seemingly “put together,” safe and quiet neighborhoods around us. Red Mountain Community Church must be a clear, loud, and persistent voice in our neighborhoods, work places, schools, stores and businesses, proclaiming in word and deed the good news of Jesus Christ.